domingo, setembro 18, 2011

"As únicas mulheres com quem vale a pena casar são aquelas que não são confiáveis como esposas."
- Cesare Pavese

quarta-feira, setembro 14, 2011

A Ok Teleseguro "does it again"!

Em Novembro de 2004 resmunguei com um anúncio da Ok Teleseguro!

Agora, têm outro muito engraçado em que surgem duas situações distintas:
Na primeira, uma tipa liga ao marido. Tinha estampado o carro dele!
Na segunda, um tipo liga à mulher. Tinha o carro avariado!

Note-se a diferença no estilo:
A gaja conduz o carro do marido (coitada, não tem guito para comprar um para ela) e o problema é ter batido com o carro. Só podia ser uma gaja, não sabe conduzir.

O gajo conduz o carro dele e, coitado, teve o azar do carro avariar.
Sim, porque os gajos conduzem bem!

É de mim ou algo anda muito estereotipado nestes anúncios?

sexta-feira, setembro 09, 2011

"How to Make Love Like a Caveman"

Christopher Ryan

Author and Psychologist

“Asked to imagine prehistoric human sex, most of us conjure the hackneyed image of the caveman, dragging a dazed woman by her hair with one hand, a club in the other...This image is mistaken in every detail.” On the other hand, if we took an honest look at our dysfunctional sexual lives today, this is what we would find: “We are all victims of a well-intentioned inquisition: American society has responded to this crisis by inventing a marital-industrial complex of couples therapy, pharmaceutical hard-ons, sex advice columnists, creepy father-daughter purity cults.” Viagra breaks sales records every year. Pornography worldwide is perhaps a $100 billion business.


Christopher Ryan: To understand how closely related we are to Chimps and Bonobos; we’re more closely related to them than an Indian elephant is to an African elephant. It’s extremely close, whether you look at it in terms of DNA or how long it’s been since the lines, the evolutionary lines diverged. And it’s important to know that we’re equidistant from Chimps and Bonobos. So any time you read that Chimps are the closest non-human primate to us or conversely that Bonobos are the closest, they’re both false. Chimps and Bonobos are equidistant from humans. As close as your left hand and your right hand are to your head. They’re exactly the same distance. So it’s very important to understand that.

Now, on one side you’ve got Chimps, who are very aggressive, there’s evidence of warfare between groups. Murder is relatively common, rape is common, infanticide. All sorts of aggressive behavior is rampant in Chimp societies. But on the other side, you have Bonobo’s, who are very highly sexualized, and in which over 40 years that they’ve been observed in the wild and in captivity, not a single case of murder or infanticide or rape or lethal combat between groups has ever been observed. Not in zoos, not in the wild. So they’re sort of the light and the dark side of human nature, we could say. And it’s important not to fall for this line that we’re closer to Chimps and therefore the nasty, aggressive, dark side of man, as one book puts it, is more deeply embedded in us than the other side.

What we all share, the three of us, the Chimps, the common Chimps, the Bonobo, and humans is an exaggerated sexuality where the vast majority of the sexual behavior that we experience has nothing at all to do with reproduction. Over 99 percent of our sex acts don’t result in conception. That’s very unusual in the animal world. Most animals, including most primates, other than the three of us, the Chimps, Bonobos and humans, might have sex a few times a year. Gorillas, for example, probably have sex 10 to 15 times for each baby gorilla that’s born.

Now you think about how many times an average human being has sex over a lifetime. And I’m not only talking about intercourse, think of all the types of sex we have that can’t possibly result in conception. It's a very small percentage of our sexual behavior that really has anything to do at all with reproduction. We share this trait with Chimps and Bonobos. We split from them about seven million years ago. So according to conventional thinking and evolutionary theory, if a trait is shared between these three species that separated six to seven million years ago, it’s very likely that that trait was shared also by the last common ancestor.

So we can look back to six to seven million years and say, that has been six to seven million years of human primate promiscuity, pretty much uninterrupted until we get to 10,000 years ago with agriculture and the advent of monogamy. So that gives you a sense of why it’s so difficult for most people. We’ve been, you know, going down this same path for so long and then suddenly we’re told, no, no, that’s not the way we behave anymore. And in fact, that’s not natural. So if you behave that way or you want to behave that way or you fanaticize about behaving that way or you get off on watching other people behave that way, there’s something wrong with you. You’re sick. There’s something wrong with your relationship if you think about someone other than your husband or wife every time you have sex. There’s something wrong with you or something wrong with him or her. That’s all wrong. That’s not only wrong, but it creates untold suffering in people because they feel shame about something there’s no reason they should feel shame about.

quarta-feira, agosto 24, 2011

Quando uma mulher diz:
- Não te preocupes!
Podes ter a certeza que tens mesmo de te preocupar!

quarta-feira, junho 15, 2011

Curtas #0042

“Para uma mulher ser feliz, devia ter um homem para o dia e outro para a noite.”

- Ana Maria Magalhães, escritora

sexta-feira, maio 13, 2011

Casar ou não casar
Publicado por: Daniel Cardoso

Tendo em conta que hoje ninguém se cala com o raio do casamento "real", vamos então falar de casamento...

«As mulheres e os homens não se deviam casar, porque o amor é como as estações - vai e vem.»
- Yang Erche Namu

Agora vocês estão a perguntar-se quem diabos é Yang Erche Namu ou, até, se Yang Erche Namu é do sexo masculino, feminino, ou outra coisa qualquer...

Será um/@ filósofx?

Pois, lamento desapontar, mas não.
Yang Erche Namu é uma mulher da tribo Mosuo. Os seus conceitos de relações são bastante diferentes. Nesta tribo, os homens são convidados pelas mulheres a passar uns momentos (ou umas noites, mas normalmente sem ficarem lá a dormir) com elas. Eles não têm uma palavra para casamento, usam a expressão sese, que pode ser traduzida por "andar" ou "em andamento"; também não têm palavra para "marido" ou "esposa" - usam azhu, que significa "amigx".

Isto não quer dizer que eles têm um arranjo social melhor ou pior do que o nosso. Quer apenas dizer que, sim, existem diferentes formas de viver. Existem sociedades matriarcais, existem sociedades onde o amor não se vive da mesma forma, existem sociedades onde as relações não têm os elementos de pompa e circunstância a que aqui nos habituamos e que transformamos em verdadeiro fetish.

Uma coisa é certa: no meio de toda esta exuberância ridícula e desprezível, sem dúvida que a ligeireza e simplicidade dos Mosuo se torna ainda mais interessante para mim.


De onde tirei eu isto tudo? Do fantástico Sex at Dawn, que aconselho toda a gente a ler. Se acharam que o Mito da Monogamia era bom, este consegue ser bem melhor ainda.