sábado, dezembro 26, 2009

#00.204 The The, "True Happiness This Way Lies"

And have you ever wanted something so badly
that it possessed your body & your soul
through the night & through the day
until you finally get it!
And then you realize
that it wasn't what you wanted after all.

And then those selfsame sickly little thoughts
now go & attach themselves to something....
....or somebody....new!
And the whole goddamn thing starts all over again.

Well, I've been crushing the symptoms
but I can't locate the cause.

Could God really be so cruel?
To give us feelings that could never be fulfilled.

I've got my sights set on you.
I've got my sight set on you
And someday, someday, someday, you'll come my way.

But when you put your arms around me
I'll be looking over your shoulder for something new
'cause I ain't ever found peace upon the breast of a girl
I ain't ever found peace with the religion of the world
I ain't ever found peace at the bottom of a glass

Sometimes it seems the more I ask for the less I receive
Sometimes it seems the more I ask for the less I receive

The only true freedom is freedom from the heart's desires
& the only true happiness....this way lies.

domingo, dezembro 20, 2009

#00.203 Kerista

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kerista was a new religion that was started in New York City in 1956 by John Peltz "Bro Jud" Presmont. Throughout much of its history, Kerista was centered on the ideals of polyfidelity (called "responsible non-monogamy") and creation of intentional communities.

From 1971 until 1991, the community was centered at the Kerista Commune (not a single physical building), founded in San Francisco, California. The Keristans practiced group marriage and maintained a very high profile which included publication of a popular free newspaper and several national media appearances.

Kerista also produced zines that included drawings and comics drawn by Even Eve (also known as Eve Furchgott, the daughter of the Nobel Prize winner Robert Furchgott), one of the earliest and core members. Some concerned day-to-day life, others presented a lighthearted polytheistic mythology which revolved around a pantheon of benevolent and technologically adept goddesses and gods.

Kerista adopted singer Joan Jett as the "Matron Saint" of their community. Features presented in the zine included articles and essays concerning life within the community and concerning World Plan to establish a functional Utopian society on a larger scale.

The Keristans shared income and could choose whether or not to have outside paying jobs or work within the community (which operated several small businesses). "Hunter-gatherers", with paying work outside Kerista would financially support the endeavors of Keristans which included both a legally incorporated church and an educational non-profit organization.

The official website lists thirty-three people as having, at one time or another, joined Kerista at various times during the community's history. In 1979 and 1980, two female members gave birth. In 1983, the adult male Keristans had vasectomies as a means to deal with birth control in the group, emphasize non-breeding new members, and address global population issues.

All male applicants subsequently had the requirement of having a vasectomy within a set period of time after joining the community. In 1991, the community experienced a major split, the founder going on to create The World Academy of Keristan Education. The terms polyfidelity and compersion were coined at the Kerista Commune.



#00.202 OSHO

Mulheres e maridos são fenómenos sociais... é uma instituição, não são relações. É um fenómeno forçado – não por amor, mas por outras razões: segurança económica ou outra, filhos sociedade, cultura, religião, tudo excepto amor.

Não deve pensar que alguém é a sua mulher – esse «sua» é um fantasma, é um sonho. Não deve dizer «esta criança é o meu filho» - essa posse esse «meu» é um sonho. Ninguém é seu – marido, mulher, amigo, inimigo; renuncie a todas estas atitudes. Não faça ligações - «meu», «teu» - abandone estas palavras.


“Tantra, a compreensão suprema”
Editora Pergaminho

terça-feira, dezembro 01, 2009

#00.201 Estar mal e querer estar bem

Muitas pessoas iniciam relações para procurar algo que lhes falta.
Para obter da outra pessoa o que não conseguem sozinhas.

Por si só esta forma de agir não é necessariamente “má”.
O ser humano é um animal social.
A solidão não traz, em princípio, felicidade.

O problema é quando, não estando bem ou estando mal, as pessoas procuram soluções externas para os seus problemas sentimentais, colocando nas mãos de outras a chave da sua felicidade.

Um ser humano equilibrado e bem consigo próprio sentir-se-ia confortável sozinho, com uma rede de amigos.

O desejo de ter família, de partilhar a vida com outras pessoas de forma mais íntima resultaria, não do desejo próprio de o fazer e de, consequentemente, começar à procura, mas da presença na nossa vida de alguém tão especial que nos levasse a considerar essa possibilidade.

Não como uma forma de ficar bem, mas como forma de ficar melhor!